Mineral Balancing

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‘Free’ Mineral Balancing Program

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Many people are interested in beginning a Mineral Balancing Program, but are not sure where to begin, or they would like to try the program out before committing many years to deep health restoration and detoxification. This article is quite lengthy, but it contains the most up-to-date information regarding our Mineral Balancing Program. It should be followed by those that are currently working with John Bumpus, as well as those that are interested in beginning a Mineral Balancing Program.

Since this document is available freely, there are advantages and disadvantages. The only difference between a paid program that is offered on this website, and a “free program” is that those following the free program have not had a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis. Therefore, they are not following a supplement program that is designed to shift body chemistry or supervised. Thus, while there is information about some supplementation for those on a free program, those on the free program will not experience this program’s full potential. Even still, it has been quite helpful for many, and we often receive emails regarding the benefits which were gained by following it. This is because doing something is better than not doing anything. A major advantage of reviewing and following this Mineral Balancing Program is that you will become familiar with many of the concepts of the program prior to beginning a full program.


Basic Practises

  1. This is a nutritional program, first and foremost. Nutrition is the foundation of the program, it may give one the energy to deal with emotional imbalances, but does not correct then. This program functions synergistically with emotional work. One of the primary goals of the program is to eat at least 50% of every meal as vegetables, preferably cooked. Other details regarding the diet are available for you on a separate handout. 

  2. Synergy is when the whole is greater than the sum. The lifestyle suggestions found within this document are much better together than as stand-alone procedures. They enhance relaxation, detoxification, regeneration and spiritual development. Please find what works best for you. It is not expected that you follow this document fully and do every one of the procedures.

  3. Do not just take the supplements. This will not work nearly as well because the body will not be able to support and promote optimal cellular function efficiently enough and some other dietary factors are necessary. Fibre is essential for detoxification and potassium must be sourced through diet for adequate levels, rather than supplementation. Excess dietary PUFA (polyunsaturated fatty acids) will block thyroid function etc. About 98% of people are potassium deficient. Supplementing may be helpful, but the food we eat is the safest and best source. 

  4. Commit to the program as much as you can. Always begin with the diet, adding in a portion of the program at a time at a rate that is comfortable for you. 

Cellular Health

The human organism, at a fundamental and physical level, is made up of tiny units called cells. As living organisms, we are made up of approximately 70 trillion living, intelligent cells that compose the human body at any one time. They are the source of the body’s energy supply and what keeps you functioning at optimal health. As soon as the cells lose any of their capacity to produce energy for the body over a prolonged period of time, the result is a decline in health and the emergence of degenerative conditions. 

Damage to our cells speeds up the aging process and diminishes the vitality that we feel each day. Important nutrients mitigate this cellular damage. When we nourish our cells, they flourish. So making lifestyle choices which support this is a significant component of the program. The older the body becomes, the less able it is to protect itself from the damaging by-products of metabolism, such as free-radicals and inflammation. Thus it becomes increasingly important to support the body’s cells in the most effective ways.

Cellular Nutrition

In order to develop and grow optimally, our cells require a suite of nutrients. This program ensures that we get an adequate amount of micronutrients that are needed to support our cellular integrity, that in turn, promotes healthy hair, skin, bones, liver, muscles etc.  The goal of this program is to nourish our cells so that they can function efficiently at their maximum potential. 

Cellular health is a revolutionary scientific concept that explains the primary cause of disease at the physical level. Disease and its symptoms reside first at the cellular level. In this model, unhealthy cells cause unhealthy organs, sick organs lead to deficient metabolic activities, and this, in turn, leads to symptoms, which we name the “disease”. Healthy cell life produces what we call “vitality” – a healthy level of energy and resistance to stress. It should be noted that all so-called “disease” is a healing response and an effort of the life force to maintain homeostasis (such as utilising toxic elements in critical enzyme binding sites). The cell also contains an energetic body and is the fundamental unit responsible for the biophotonic activity. Some researchers have correlated the five elements of chinese medicine to the cellular level

Triage Theory

Triage theory was developed by Bruce Ames. It is a theory which we have found to be true in many different instances in the Mineral Balancing program. The theory posits that the spectrum of functions for a particular micronutrient (vitamin or mineral) is managed by the organism in such a way that when micronutrient availability is limited, functions required for short term survival take precedence over functions which loss can be tolerated. Effectively, Triage theory is the biological process in which long term health is exchanged for short term survival. 

Inner Physician

The animating force to the body is known as the vital life force. This energy is responsible for the body’s innate intelligence and healing capacity. It is a major part of our physical and vital body. We call the vital life force the inner physician due to its inherent tendency to move the body toward a state of health and equilibrium.
Just as triage theory enables the body to trade long term health for short term survival, the inner physician will protect the innermost levels, such as the nervous system and vital organs, and push disease to less vital areas, such as the skin. The inner physician produces symptoms at the physical as well as emotional level, in response to disease and stress. It is responsible for growth, eliminating toxins and the regeneration of cells. We do not encourage ‘long-term symptom suppression’ because it blocks the healing response of the inner physician. Any ‘assumed imperfect’ response of the inner physician is in fact the result of either an internal or external obstruction or the restriction of its movements. 

Biological Replacement of Elements Theory (BRET)

This is the core concept that I have been developing, which is critical to understanding why the body accumulates and holds on to heavy metals, aka toxic elements. A more in-depth article on this concept can be found here

The basic premise of this theory is that the body has a preference in the elements (known as minerals on an HTMA) which it uses for optimal biological functions. However, when these minerals are not available through the diet, the body compromises by substituting a less preferred toxic element, or heavy metal, to maintain homeostasis. This compensation effectively trades high-quality long-term health for low-quality short term survival. The result of the compensation is that the biological function can still be maintained, but with the side effects of the heavy metal. 
What makes this theory important is the implication that it has in relation to detoxing. When the body does finally get a hold of the mineral that it requires, it will in turn, naturally let go of the heavy metal that is no longer required. This core principle is why I am hesitant to recommend chelation and forced detoxing, without first making sure that the body has its required amount of “preferred minerals.”
As a result of these biological compensations, there is an overwhelming number of chronic health conditions present which can be resolved by improving and balancing the mineral levels and cellular health rather than using prescription medications. 

Five Bodies of Consciousness (Holistic Model)

The concept of having more than one body is an ancient part of Judaic and Vedantic (yoga) literature. It is critical to the Mineral Balancing program. The reason is because it allows us to integrate many different therapies and approaches to create a truly holistic and Mineral Balancing program.
The Five Bodies of Consciousness, or the Five Levels of healing, is a holistic model which recognises that the body is multidimensional and more than just physical. This is a revolutionary concept which has many downstream effects. These five bodies (or five levels) of consciousness are progressively refined layers of information. The physical body is considered to be the most gross, and each layer is a more refined or subtle layer that makes up the human. 

The concept of the five bodies is a holistic model of health that consists of both the objective and the subjective domains of our human experience and includes all of the components which we experience in our reality. Including physical sensations, vital feelings, mental thoughts, supramental intuitions or spiritual wholeness. Each of these domains integral to one another and are nested rather than separate domains of experience. Each domain, layer, or level, is reciprocal and bidirectional in nature. 

For more information check out this video done by one of my professors, Dr Paul Drouin. Dr Klinghardt also talks about the five bodies which he calls the five levels of healing (part 1, part 2 and part 3. Dr Amit Goswami goes into this concept in extreme depth as well which can be found here, while Yoga International has a well-written article on it here.

Healing Reactions

Healing reactions are temporary flare-ups of symptoms that occur as a result of the interaction between our inner physician and the toxic chemicals, toxic metals, and infections which are being mobilised and released from the body’s tissues. They cause physical and mental symptoms such as sore throats, colds, anxiety, anger, depression and other symptoms. These reactions are welcomed on the program and are evidence that healing is taking place. Please call your practitioner if any symptoms are particularly annoying or worrying. There are some symptoms that can be quite scary while on the program. These include losing the feeling of your hands or arms and the sudden occurrence of viral or bacterial infections. Oftentimes a healing reaction can also be a retracing of a past health condition or trauma. Some more information can be found in the bottom of this page under the title “other”. 


Illness of the physical body does not manifest all of a sudden. Instead, it develops in stages or layers, such as with toxic burden. Most people today are born with secondary, or perhaps even primary deficiencies in nutrients, and with an excess of chemicals and toxic elements. This is due to a combination of environmental pollutants (both chemical and electrical), modern agricultural processes, industrialised diet, and a stressful lifestyle - that compounds the problem until illness manifests as physical symptoms.
Moreover, from a wholistic perspective we must also consider that physical toxic burden also influences the psyche and vice versa. Aristotle once said in Physiognomonica that the "psyche and body react sympathetically to each other... A change in the state of the psyche produced a change in the structure of the body... Conversely, a change in the structure of the body produced a change in the state of the psyche."
The Mineral Balancing program is designed to restore balance, nourish and regenerate the body while initiating natural detoxification and thus allow healing to take place. 


When the body has enough energy, it must go back and heal each layer of imbalance or adaptation. When this happens, events come back into our awareness for deep healing to occur. When retracing is present, one may encounter a symptom or experience they had in the past. An example would be tasting past drugs that have been taken or reexperiencing their effects, sudden numbness, or pain conditions that may come back temporarily.
Your present Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) reflects the current layer. We address that which is revealed. After 3 to 6 months, a retest will reveal a deeper level of your metabolism. At times, it will look different from the previous test if you follow the program. While on the program. we continue to address the next “layer,” uncovering and normalising deeper layers of adaptations and compensations. This process is called retracing. It is the only way to reverse the deeper causes of illness that we are aware of.

Spiritual Development

This program enables Spiritual development, which is the unfolding of the hidden “full potential,” present in every human being. It requires superior nutrition, practise, emotional work, rest, and detoxification procedures. Humans are constantly growing and changing. True health is about being adaptable to whatever life throws at you; which is what is meant by life is a journey and not a destination


Many people experience symptomatic improvement within a few days to weeks after beginning the program. However, clearing layers of adaptations and biological compensations requires several years, even for children. Children do respond much quicker to mineral balancing than adults. This program is a positive lifestyle change and not a 12-day detox. In many instances, it can take upwards of one year before improving poor elimination patterns (poor heavy metal detoxification). Some toxic elements may take even longer before they are eliminated. This is dependent on age, current health; toxicity and nutritional status before beginning the program. 

Part 1: The Diet Program

Minimise These Inner Physician Stressors

Gluten – Avoid wheat, barley, rye, spelt and oats. Even if the oats are so-called gluten-free, they contain gliadin which is a protein similar to gluten. This may be overlooked and consumed moderately, if you are not struggling with any gluten-related conditions, or if you are fairly healthy. Please see the section titled “Grains”. 

  1. Refined Oils – Including olive oil, canola, hydrogenated margarine, SMART, LITE or SKINNY fats etc. This also includes anything made from oil, like salad dressings and all refined commercial oils such as Omega EPA/DHA, cod liver or krill supplements. Please do not cook with oils, especially. When oils are in contact with heat and air, they oxidise. Oils cause inflammation and cellular damage. Healthy fats to cook with consist of Ghee, Lard, Tallow, and Butter. 

  2. Fried foods. Instead, water-saute in broth or tea, pressure-cook, broil, boil, or bake

  3. Conventional coffee. Organic is fine, while instant is not recommended, it can be used.

  4. Excessive fruit and sugars. They inhibit bile production and detoxification. Please avoid all sugar-containing processed foods and beverages. Upward of two fruits per day as snacks in between meals is acceptable if one is not consuming any other sugars.  If you are more physically active than usual, you will need to increase your carbohydrate intake. In these instances, some extra sugar consumption is fine. 

  5. Artificial and synthetic sweeteners or food preservatives. 

  6. All highly processed and refined foods, white flour (pasta), boxed cereals, chips, crackers, grains, and tea bags. This ensures you are eating real food. 

  7. All conventional meat products (free-range or grass-fed only 4-6 oz servings); Avoid sodium nitrate and nitrites found in preserved meat products (deli meats), non-grass fed meats, and pork products. Also, all processed meats with cultured celery extract.

  8. Well-done meat. Try to minimise the consumption of burned fats, or burned meat. If you are grilling food, put something in-between the grill and the fire to avoid the meat juice from dripping into the flame. Rare and medium-rare are excellent.

  9. Carbonated drinks of any kind within one hour before, during, or one hour after meals. Naturally carbonated mineral water is okay to consume, but minimise soda

  10. Refined Sodium. Only use Nama shoyu, Amabito no Moshio, Bamboo salt, Herbamare or sun evaporated sea salts.

  11. Additional Supplementation: Avoid other supplements except what is suggested by your Mineral Balancing Consultant.

  12. GMO. Choose organic and heirloom vegetables as much as possible. 

  13. Eating until full. Do not eat until you are entirely full. Try to keep about 75-80% of your “fullness” for digesting your food. 


To reap optimal benefits from this diet program, please consider using the foods that we have suggested, and have tested with hundreds of people to be fresh, non-irradiated and non-mouldy. These special foods offer the highest nourishment with the least amount of chemical exposure, and may vary in future updates.
Organically grown, high-quality food is the basis for all diet suggestions. If one cannot afford organic, please purchase the “dirty dozen” organically as much as possible, the “clean-fifteen” may be purchased conventionally. A list of the clean-fifteen can be found here.  

Always seek out the highest quality meats that you can afford and that are available to you. While fresh meat is ideal, frozen meats are often less costly and easier to buy in bulk. It is important to include in your diet each day; plenty of fresh and cooked vegetables twice daily, along with at least 4 oz (151.2 g) of high-quality animal protein at least twice daily. Visually, this amount of meat is about the size of 2 decks of cards. If you are a vegetarian or vegan on this program, you may want to consider an amino acid supplement to assist in detoxification. Complex carbohydrates such as blue corn, wild Canadian rice, quinoa, and other gluten-free whole grains are recommended.
As a general rule, you should not make it a habit to consume wheat, barley, spelt, rye or oats for best results on this program. If you have no health complaints, you can have these foods on occasion. However, if you are struggling with health challenges, it is highly recommended to go “gluten-free”. If you choose to add these foods, they may limit your progress. Some people decide to eat these foods occasionally and still have great results on the program, so they are not the worst ever foods, but they are not the best ever. If you choose to consume breads, always seek out organic, fermented and even sprouted. Avoid breads made with seed or nut flours, or breads that have seeds for added texture, as they are often rancid. 

Eat at least two meals daily and try not to skip them. If you really are not hungry, do not force yourself to eat more.
We highly recommend Intermittent Fasting, which is done simply by eating between 9:30 am and 7:30 pm. If you must eat earlier for some reason, try to fast for 14 hours. You may find that you will have difficulty sleeping during this time, in which case, it is okay to have a teaspoon of honey or maple syrup to help your blood sugar by lowering cortisol.

The bulk of your plate should be filled with about 60% cooked vegetables. This can include potatoes and peas. The rest of the plate should consist of high-quality fats and proteins (between 40%, depending on your oxidation rate).  For specifics regarding oxidation rate, please visit the client portal (If you do not have a password, request one from John). 

At first, this program may seem strict, but is very sustainable, unlike many other detoxification programs. Generally, the closer one follows the diet, the better one will feel. It is suggested to shift slowly, if you need to, substituting healthier foods for less healthy ones, multiplying your results with the power of addition. If you are not used to eating a healthy diet, and you go “all out”, you may have some intense detoxification symptoms. The closer you follow this diet; the faster your body will nourish and cleanse itself of stored toxins that induce inflammation and sickness. Shelf-life nutrient loss and mould are rampant in a majority of store-bought foods, which makes following the diets difficult. (For more information, see the movie Food, Inc to learn more about tainted foods). For this reason, we find that eating animal products, including dairy, is critical to the overall success of this diet plan. 

It is important to keep in mind that excessive sugar consumption diminishes bile production while increasing the “burn rate” of minerals such as zinc, magnesium, and chromium. This may be one mechanism for copper toxicity. Consumption of refined sugar may drastically increase the requirements of other micronutrients. For best results, fruits, and sugar should be avoided for at least 3-4 months when first beginning the program (see exceptions below). They may be added in slowly while monitoring your Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis results and while you are on your personalised supplement program. This ensures you are getting adequate nutrients to metabolise the extra sugars. 

It is optimal to get fresh produce more often than once per week, the reason is that the vitamin content of food diminishes the moment it is harvested and exposed to various stressors such as storage in the fridge (source). Asparagus stored for a week can lose up to 90% of its vitamin C (source). Tangerines can lose almost half their vitamin C when stored for 8 weeks (source) while grapes can lose upwards of 30% of their B vitamins (source), and these are just a few examples! This is one reason why we need to incorporate nutritional supplements whether we have restored our health, or if we are working on health restoration. You can read more about this topic here

The Importance of Diet

Choosing the Mineral Balancing program and following a metabolic dietary plan indicates that you are serious about improving your health! We find that what is not included in your diet is just as important as what you do include. 

The Metabolic Typing dietary plan that is given to you in a separate document embodies sound scientific nutritional principles to help guide the foods you should include in your diet to balance your metabolic rate. However, your ongoing commitment and adherence to the diet plan is the only way to realise the ultimate success of your nutritional program. This takes dedication and in some case’s perseverance. It is essential that you focus on quality food choices when attempting to improve your health through dietary modifications. Following this program will help you make informed choices about the foods you eat.
Many of the foods available today are of poor nutritional quality and are highly refined or contain highly refined ingredients. Refining foods often concentrates the caloric content of food while stripping away many of the vital nutrients. As a consequence, processed and packaged foods can often be nutritionally deficient and may contain many harmful chemicals and additives. 

The foods recommended in this diet are high quality foods rich in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, high quality protein, fats and other vital nutrients. All of your nutrient needs will be covered if you follow the dietary and supplemental program. 

According to the most recent data from the USDA Economic Research Service, only about 1.72 cups of vegetables are available per day for an individual (source), this is somewhat less than the recommended intake of 2-3 cups daily (source) that we need for minimum intake.  This means that diets suggesting for people to eat more than 2-3 cups, including this diet, are not sustainable if every single person in the United States were to follow it. We are aware of this, and looking for solutions, and it is one reason why we feel people need to always be on nutritional supplements to help us meet our nutritional requirements. 

Transition Diet

Initially, following the “Optimum” dietary plan, as outlined below, may look daunting. We recognise that the recommendations presented will likely represent radical changes for most individuals, and even may seem confusing and contrary to the mainstream. While some individuals have the ability to make radical changes and succeed, for others these changes may prove to be difficult to implement. 

To accommodate individuals of different abilities to make changes, we have included two transition diets that can help ease you toward the “optimum” diet. It is recommended to begin with the Phase I transition diet. Continue with this phase until it has become second nature, and then attempt to move to the next phase. While food substitutions in Phase I and 2 fall short of the optimum phase, each dietary change can be significant and will lead you toward your ultimate goal. Small changes lead to large progress. This is a concept called the butterfly effect.

The Mineral Balancing Metabolic Typing dietary plan consists of three transition phases of dietary improvement. Phases 1 and 2 reflect the basic and intermediate phases of the diet, respectively, leading to level 3; the optimum diet. You can move through the levels in days, weeks or months. Continue with the first level until the dietary modifications have become part of your everyday routine. Then move on to the next transition level.

Phase 1: Beginner

  • Upgrade refined sweeteners with fruit, maple syrup, honey, molasses, unrefined starches and less sugary foods. 

  • Stop eating fruit for the first 3-4 months of beginning your program. 

  • Upgrade your drinking water from the tap to spring water. 

  • Replace refined and fortified white flour with whole grains.

  • Swap deli meat with meat that you cooked yourself.

  • Replace hydrogenated oils with butter, tallow, ghee, lard, olive or coconut oils.

  • Stop cooking in liquid oils. Minimise fried foods. 

  • Eat more natural foods and fewer foods made with chemical additives.

Phase 2: Intermediate

  • Replace products made with wheat, barley, rye, oats and spelt with products made of rice, millet, quinoa and corn. 

  • Upgrade commercial cow's milk dairy products with organic milk dairy products. 

  • Replace refined protein powders such as pea protein with protein sources such as gelatin, potato, egg, milk or animal meats. Spirulina can also be used, though it is more expensive than animal products. 

  • Minimise consumption of liquid oils. Can still use coconut oil and perhaps MCT oil. 

Phase 3: The Optimal Diet

  • Include animal protein with each meal. 

  • Eat several vegetables twice a day. With the goal of 4 cups each day. 

  • Eat a small amount of unrefined carbohydrates throughout the day.

  • Drink at least 3 cups of A2 milk each day from either cow or goat.

  • Eat high-quality animal fats each day. Most people do well with 1g of protein per 1lb of body weight. For those that use the metric system, this is about 1g of protein per 0.5kg of body weight.

Oxidation, or Metabolic Types

Metabolism, the rate at which food is converted to energy, differs among individuals and is referred to in this program as the oxidation rate or type. You will receive an additional dietary plan tailored to your individual oxidation rate as indicated by your hair tissue mineral analysis. The concept of Metabolic Typing is based upon research by Dr. George Watson, in the book Nutrition and Your Mind, 1972. 

Dr. Watson discovered three basic metabolic types. He identified them as fast, slow and sub-oxidizers. Dr. Paul C. Eck, founder of Analytical Research Laboratories, was the first to identify and correlate hair mineral ratios with oxidation types and identified them as fast, slow and mixed oxidisers. Dr. Eck further determined that mixed oxidisers were not necessarily a third metabolic type persé, but instead, transitory metabolic types which would eventually be resolved as either fast or slow oxidisers. Based upon this observation, the mixed oxidiser type was categorised into fast-mixed or slow-mixed oxidation. The diet in this program that is recommended is based upon the category that most closely identifies your oxidation type. 

Food Habits and Quantity

Whenever the word diet is mentioned, the first thought that comes to mind for many people is the need to reduce food intake. While there are many individuals who have health problems related to overeating, there are also individuals who have health problems because they do not eat enough. A healthy person should consume more than 2,500 calories each day. We view obesity as a symptom of nutritional deficiency and mineral imbalances. This diet will be helpful for either eating pattern by assuring more complete nutrition through high quality food choices.
Poor food selection can reinforce the unhealthy habit of overeating, but often the tendency to overeat is rooted in your lifestyle or learned behaviour. Rarely, in some instances, people make major dietary decisions out of fear. You may overeat because you are bored or because you are rushing the eating process. If you tend to eat due to boredom or nervousness, you must find a way to uncover the sources of these feelings and make what changes you can. A helpful tip for reducing boredom is to engage in some light physical activity that you find enjoyable and which requires your full attention. If you tend to eat your food too fast, you will need to consciously slow down the eating process by chewing more thoroughly and putting down your eating utensils between bites.

As with overeating, poor food selections can reinforce the tendency to reduce the consumption of some essential food types. It is important for mealtime to be a pleasant and relaxing experience. In many instances, your selection of inadequate food types or your resistance to consuming adequate quantities of food is based largely on a learned value system. Often, mealtimes are associated with unpleasant memories or stressful times, which will need to be reprogrammed by making a conscious effort to changing this learned perspective. You may find that listening to quiet music while eating will help you relax and make mealtime more pleasant. Try to avoid mindlessly eating while watching television. You may not realise it, but these can activate our fight or flight nervous system and disrupt digestion processes. If you believe that the time spent on meals is a waste of time, then you need to reconsider your thinking and realise proper eating is essential to a quality lifestyle.

Eating Habits and Food Choices

Making the right food choices is the most significant aspect of this diet. You typically hear the statement, “Just eat a balanced diet, and you will get all the nourishment you need”, but what does this mean? Most people understand that a balanced diet means the correct ratio of carbohydrates, protein, and fats. The definition of a balanced diet must be expanded and go beyond the four major food groups. 

For optimal health, the body also requires the right balance of minerals, vitamins, essential fats, essential amino acids, and fibre. Since each of us is an individual, we may require different amounts of nutrients. Thus, we find that rather than having just one dietary plan to follow, that there is a need for at least two, one for each metabolic type. In addition, a truly optimal diet will minimise exposure of the body to harmful or toxic substances, food additives or chemicals. Obtaining all the necessary ingredients for optimal health requires you to make quality food choices.

You most probably have heard of the old adage, “You are what you eat”. Well, in this program we take it a step further, “You are what you eat, eats”. However, more importantly, we are not just what we eat, or even what they eat. In this program, we take it further still and say “You are what you absorb”. However, really, you are not only what you eat, and what you absorb, but what you assimilate into your tissues. 

Food Combining

In the past, we used to recommend food combining for everybody. However, it does not seem to make too much of a difference if you have a healthy digestive system. In general, eat only one type of starch and one type of heavy protein at a meal. If you eat the right quantity and quality of food, most people will not need to be concerned with food combining.
Your Mineral Balancing Program generally recommends digestive enzymes to help those with weak digestion handle most food combinations. If your digestion is very weak, separating heavy starch (such as potatoes) from heavy protein (such as steak) may be helpful until digestion improves. 


Do not eat the same foods every day. Wait at least one day before having the same food again. The body requires many nutrients, all of which are not found in any one food or type of food. Also, eating the same food repeatedly can result in a sensitivity to that food. Vary protein foods, vegetables, and grains in the diet. 

Extreme Diets

Except for the recommendations below, avoid all dietary extremes, such as fasting, cleansing diets or vegetarianism. Following a cleansing diet for an extended period of time or fasting for more than a few days will induce nutritional deficiencies. These regimens are generally not needed and more often get in the way of one's health building program. In some instances, there may be a requirement to eat low oxalate or a diet low in salicylates. These are transition diets and are not helpful long-term. 

We also find that the carnivore diet is not good long term, but may serve a purpose of starving pathogenic bacteria in the microbiome for short periods of time. A carnivore diet is woefully deficient in calcium and is no good if it does not include milk. 

Vegetarian (and vegan) diets lack some of the most vital nutrients needed to maintain optimal health. Nutrients necessary for maintaining optimal health including zinc, B-complex vitamins, taurine, carnitine, cysteine, phospholipids, alpha lipoic acid and others are either not found in vegetables or poorly absorbed from vegetables.

Food Intolerance

Food intolerance can cause many symptoms including gas, bloating, stomach pain, fatigue, depression, headaches, and others. A goal of your nutrition program is to decrease food sensitivities. However, you may need to avoid certain foods for a while. We have found that people who were very intolerant of milk and even grains were capable of slowly correcting their intolerance by consuming small amounts and increasing at a rate in which they felt comfortable. It is a sad reality that many view the body as unable to adapt to foods and thus completely avoid them. Below are some tips to help minimise food intolerance:

  • Eat slowly, chew thoroughly and eat in a relaxed, quiet environment

  • Avoid drinking more than four ounces of liquid with a meal, as this dilutes digestive juices. 

  • Avoid iced drinks as they impair digestion. 

  • Avoid complex food combinations. Keep it simple. 

  • Do not overeat. Stop before you feel stuffed, as you may exceed your digestive capacity. 

  • Do not snack unless your blood sugar drops precipitously.

  • Take digestive enzymes with each meal. Some people need extra digestive enzymes. Add acidophilus and GB-3 to your nutrition program, as it may promote improved digestion. These can be ordered from Endomet at a 20% discount. Other ideas include betaine HCL and Aloe juice. 

  • Eat fresh food. Some food intolerance is caused by bacteria on food. Consider washing food with food-grade hydrogen peroxide and borax. Perhaps even bleach. 

  • Eat organically grown, natural food as much as possible. Some people are sensitive to chemical residues on foods, or chemicals additives used in food processing. MSG, sulphites and other chemicals can cause severe food reactions in some individuals.

  • Do not eat just before going to bed. Eat at least two hours before bedtime.

  • Very common allergic foods are wheat and cow's milk dairy products. Their effects can be subtle. For example, they may not cause any specific symptoms, but may contribute to leaky gut syndrome, causing one to become sensitive to other foods. We have found that once a person’s health has improved that many food allergies simply go away. The reason is that they could not tolerate these foods due to a biochemical reason. 

Gaining Weight

Major reasons for low body weight include not eating enough, poor eating habits that interfere with digestion, stress or impaired nutrient absorption. We have found that when people are eating enough, and are still underweight, that they are typically deficient in zinc.
To gain weight, eat three regular, sit-down meals and do not skip meals. Chew thoroughly. Ensure you are consuming more than 3,000 calories each day. Snacks are not needed and many interfere with digestion. Include some complex carbohydrates with each meal.

Losing Weight

Many people gain weight due to overeating (searching for nutrients in nutrient deficient foods), eating excessive amounts of fats and oils, eating poor quality foods, poor circulation and elimination or impaired glandular activity. To lose weight, it is important to have three sit down meals a day, observe healthful eating habits and refrain from eating snacks throughout the day. We find that just by following the supplement and diet program, that many people lose weight without it being a primary goal. Slow oxidisers may not benefit from a strict Atkins type of diet due to its high fat content. However, limiting carbohydrates is helpful for many individuals. Fast oxidisers may benefit from the Atkins diet or Ketogenic diets.
Chewing each bite of food 20 or so times will slow down eating and tend to satisfy your hunger much faster. You may also tend to need less food by eating only natural foods that provide many more nutrients. Extra fibre may also help fill you up.
If you overeat, observe when this occurs and take steps to avoid eating out of boredom or nervousness. Do not eat late at night. Instead, drink tea or substitute other activities for eating. At times, weight gain is due to depleted and toxic thyroid and adrenal glands. Drinking fluoridated or chlorinated water often compounds these problems, as it inhibits the microbiome. Your supplement program, along with a healthy diet and lifestyle, will slowly help your inner physician reverse these conditions. Results may be slower if your thyroid and adrenal glands require extensive rebuilding.

Eating Habits

An individual's eating habits can be as important or more so than the kind of food one eats. You are not what you eat, you are what you absorb! The best food is of no benefit if it is not chewed, digested and absorbed. Remember, you are not only what you eat, but what you absorb! Here are suggestions for healthful eating habits:

Make Meals a Pleasant Activity

Meals are essential and can be made very satisfying social occasions. Meals need not be elaborate or expensive, but they should be enjoyable, and are excellent times for families to relax together.

Avoid the 'pit stop' mentality. Put on pleasant music, light a candle, say grace and use any other methods to help make meals more special and enjoyable. Turn off blaring television sets and stereos, and do not get up to answer the phone during meals.

Eat Regularly

Remember, or make it a habit to eat two meals per day. Do not skip meals. It is difficult enough to obtain vital nutrients eating two meals per day. If one skips meals, it becomes even more difficult. Those with severe hypoglycemia may need to eat up to six meals daily, until blood sugar fluctuations begin to normalise. Eating five or more small meals daily if needed is better than snacking. Random snacking disturbs the appetite and over works the digestive system.

Eat Slowly, and Chew Thoroughly

Chewing is important to initiate digestion and prepare the intestinal tract to receive food. Food should be chewed to a soft consistency. Chew each mouthful at least 20 times. Leave enough time for meals and do not hurry through them. Drink your food, and chew your drink. 

Drink Before Meals and One Hour Afterwards

Drinking excessive amounts of liquids with meals impairs digestion by mixing foods with the liquid instead of with digestive juices. Limit drinks at mealtime to four ounces—a small cup of water or herbal tea. It is better to drink liquids throughout the day. Avoid drinking carbonated beverages such as mineral water with meals. If you feel like a snack, first try some water. In some instances, the body is only thirsty and not hungry! 

Eat in a Quiet, Relaxed Environment

Digestion and absorption of nutrients require that the body be in a parasympathetic or relaxed state. Do not eat at your desk, while talking on the telephone or in a noisy or upsetting location. Avoid restaurants. Do not eat while driving or riding in a car. Schedule your day to allow time for meals and a few minutes afterwards to relax. View it as a commitment to yourself, and part of your total health program,

Find a quiet spot to eat and allow at least 15 totally relaxed minutes in which to eat. Preferably, sit quietly for 10 minutes after eating to allow digestion to proceed before resuming activities. If this is not possible on some occasions, eat less rather than rush your meal or eat while driving or rushing between appointments.

Changing your Eating Habits


  • A conscious effort is required to make the correct food choices. Your choices must be reinforced by repetition and a conscious resolve to improve your food selections.

  • The goal of this dietary plan is to continually improve your food selection and slowly replace less healthful food with more nutritious selections. One of the objectives of this program is to be sustainable, and not a fad diet. Denying yourself high quality foods will defeat the purpose of your diet and does not allow you to benefit fully from its potential.

  • Current food selections and eating habits are often rooted in childhood experiences. Because of your early eating experiences, many foods may have negative and/or positive emotional ties. Emotional reactions to certain foods and eating habits need to be objectively analysed so that they can be recognised and changed for the better.

  • Make allowances for occasional lapses. The expectation for perfection can backfire and cause you to become frustrated and discouraged. If challenged by food cravings, it may be beneficial to allow yourself a small sampling of what you crave. Typically, the negative effects of unhealthy food selections will become apparent and help reinforce your resolve to continue with your diet.

  • As you improve your food choices, you will become more sensitive to the effects of choosing poor quality foods. The benefit of improving your food choices is that your body develops the ability to quickly discriminate between good and poor quality foods.

  • Using a reward system is a useful gimmick to help you stay on track with your diet. As a reward for your efforts, allow yourself to break from the diet and indulge in food you especially like once in a while.

  • Another way to improve your food choices is to rid your household of poor quality foods and avoid restaurants that do not serve quality foods and meals.

  • Enlist the help of your friends and family. Explain to them what you are trying to accomplish and ask for their help.

Shopping and Food Preparation

Eating at home

Preparing homemade meals promotes excellent health. Food preparation need not be elaborate, costly or time-consuming. No special skills are required. Meals prepared at home will generally be less costly and more nutritious.


The best places to shop for premium quality organic produce, meats, eggs and whole grains are quality health food supermarkets. Farmers markets and food cooperatives are other excellent choices. Some supermarkets have health food sections. Allow time for shopping and preferably do not go shopping when you are very hungry, as it often can skew your judgement.

Cooking Utensils

Glass is best. Stainless steel, enamelware, unglazed or non-lead glazed ceramic or coated aluminium are also excellent. Teflon or Silverstone coating is less recommended and may not be a great choice. However, people's health has improved using them, provided that they are not chipped. Use iron or copper pots only occasionally, as excess absorption is possible. Avoiding cooking in uncoated aluminium pots.


Since most people will not be shopping each day, here are very simple methods for creating superior tasting and nutritious meals:

  • Buy several pounds each of natural ground beef, ground turkey and ground lamb. Bring them home and form into 4-6 ounce patties. Wrap these in plastic wrap or plastic bags and place them in the freezer. Also purchase good quality chicken thighs, legs and wings. Separate into meal size portions, wrap in plastic wrap or plastic bags and place in the freezer.
    Also buy a variety of vegetables, organically grown whenever possible. Keep them in the bottom part of the refrigerator. Substitute quality frozen vegetables if fresh are not available.

At mealtime, put about ½ cup of broth or water in the bottom of a two-quart saucepan and bring to a boil. Turn it down to warm. Unwrap a package of meat from the freezer and add it to the pot. Defrosting is not needed if the patty is fairly thin. Slice up a portion of two or three different vegetables. For example, use 12 of a carrot, ¼ of an average turnip or onion, or ¼ of a head of broccoli or cauliflower. Add these to the pot, cover and set a timer for about 30 minutes. Add a little natural tamari or herbs for flavouring if desired. With a little practice, you will learn which foods need to cook a little longer than others. Root vegetables take longer than greens to cook. Chicken takes longer than ground meat.

  • Use a crock pot. Advantages are you need not slice up vegetables, vegetables often taste better when left whole, and the meal will be hot and ready to eat when you arrive home or are ready to eat it. Slow cooking also helps tenderise meat.
    For an evening meal, in the morning you can place a half or whole chicken, stew meat, steaks and other protein selections in the crock pot. You can also add a whole onion, carrot, zucchini, part of a head of cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower or other vegetables. Add a little seasoning if desired, set it on the low setting and food preparation is finished. When you arrive home in the evening, the meal will be hot and ready to serve. If there are leftovers, the entire pot can be placed in the refrigerator. A crock pot can also cook a meal while you sleep. Place the ingredients in the pot in the evening. In the morning, one can have enough food to last the entire day. It can be kept warm in the crock pot.

  • Other simple and easy cooking methods are stir-frying, broiling and using pressure cookers. For stir frying, use butter, coconut or olive oil. Avoid other vegetable oils, shortening or margarine. Avoid deep-frying and baking, as these involve higher temperatures that generally damage food more. It is also highly suggested to avoid using microwave ovens as they damage the nutrients found in food.

  • For those who are very busy, in many locations individuals offer meal preparation services. Some will tailor meals to your needs. These offer more control over your food than eating in restaurants.

More information

For more detailed information regarding eating right for your metabolic type, please see the documents in your client portal that are relevant to the oxidation rate that your Mineral Balancing Consultant has told you. Sometimes the lab profile is not accurate with the oxidation rate due to various mineral patterns. If you do not have these documents, please send John a message, and they will be emailed to you. 




Water is our second most immediate need in obtaining health. As humans, we are a water-based life-form. We can last much longer when deprived of food than we can without water; a quick examination of our mineral make-up reveals that our bodies are made up almost entirely of water. Thus, our water source is most likely one of the most vital materials for our health and our inner physician. 

We must try to acquire the cleanest water (most untouched and unpolluted) available. It is also wise to use this water to feed the plants, vegetables and fruits in our environment (and the animals in your family would appreciate it too).

The best source of water, for human consumption, is water from a living spring. We recommend this because it is closest to the kind that humans have been nourished with throughout history. Thus, fresh living spring water is the ideal drinking water while on the Mineral Balancing Program.

For optimal hydration, add a pinch of salt (approx 1/4 tsp) to your water (1 pinch/L). Drink about half your body weight in ounces of liquids daily. More should not be needed. This may also initiate detoxification of bromine, chlorine and fluorine for some. This is maybe much more than you are accustomed to. If you follow most of this program document, you will likely not need this much water due to the liquids that we regularly consume.
If you are doing strenuous activity or sauna therapy, please drink more than needed. Milk may also be used to rehydrate (source).

Spring water is a natural source of minerals. On average, it contains about 30 mg of calcium per litre (with some containing even more and some less). With the average body weight of about 150 lbs (70 kg), the recommended daily intake of water would be about 2.2 litres, while for calcium it is 1,200 mg. So natural spring water can provide 1/10th of your calcium requirements. Mineral waters can be even better as a source for minerals, with some reaching upwards of 3-500 mg/L. These waters can effectively equate to 1/3rd to 1/4 of the total dietary requirements for calcium. Naturally, carbonated spring water has its minerals bound to carbon that helps deliver them into our cells. While artificially carbonated water depletes our mineral status. The carbon present in artificial carbonation is not bound to the minerals in the beverage, and therefore, upon consumption, they bind to the minerals within our body and pulls them out of the cells. This is one reason why many people who drink carbonated beverages have less dense bones than those who do not.

Notes: For those in the United States, I have found that Icelandic Glacial spring water to be the purest that I have come across. Upon reviewing the California bottled water report, this water has undetected arsenic, lead, mercury, barium, chlorine, uranium, fluoride, nickel and cadmium (source). For this reason, we recommend this water.

A product called Unique Water is also interesting due to its magnesium bicarbonate levels. This product is only available in Australia. 

Other Beverages: 

One or two cups (500 ml) of coffee daily is fine. Coffee is best consumed with food and not on an empty stomach. Coffee should have a sweetener in it, or at least with protein. You may also have one cup of green tea, hot chocolate made or mild herbal tea, such as nettle, pau d’arco, cistus or dandelion throughout the day.
We recommend using unsalted butter in hot beverages with milk or cream (blended, not stirred) and collagen peptides when appropriate. This is best in coffee, or hot chocolate is not necessary for herbal teas. Cat's Claw is helpful for those in four lows and can be consumed in tea form as well. One cup of Pau d’arco tea each day is highly recommended. It may be an idea to keep a pot on the stove that has some of the recommended herbs boiled in. This simplifies making coffee and consuming your daily Pau d’arco and Cat’s Claw, as all you have to do is boil on the stove and add the tea to a French press with freshly ground coffee. 
Eight to twenty-four ounces of cow or goat milk (if you are not allergic) is recommended each day, preferably raw and unheated, to help balance the Ca/P ratio of the diet. For those that are sensitive to lactose, you may find that by having small amounts of dairy each day that you will be able to naturally produce lactase and tolerate milk. This has happened a few times now with others on the program. Many people that cannot tolerate cow milk do fine on goat milk.
Herbal tonics are also welcome within the program. Ask us which ones would be most beneficial to you. Please avoid nut and seed milk, especially store-bought.


(Eat at least 1 cup of cooked cruciferous vegetables daily. The goal for vegetable intake is 4 cups per day*) Try to buy fresh local farm produce when available. It lasts longer, tastes better and is more nutritious. Eat at least two meals daily of cooked vegetables (water-saute or steamed). Use 1 teaspoon (for slow oxidisers) up to 2 tablespoons (fast oxidisers) of grass-fed butter with Herbamare or Nama Shoyu for seasoning and fresh herbs such as an Italian blend.
Try combining three or four vegetables from this list to make dozens of different vegetable combinations to include in these dishes; artichoke hearts, arugula, asparagus, acorn squash, bamboo shoots, beets, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celery, chard, chicory, collards, dandelion greens, eggplant, mustard greens, mushrooms, green or red pepper, onion, parsley, radish, summer squash, pumpkin, spinach, winter squash, tomatoes, turmeric, zucchini. Lentils, black beans, chickpeas, potatoes, watercress, water chestnuts, yams, all types of peas and beans are excellent dietary choices that can be used in place of water-saute combinations listed above. Soups and stews are excellent, especially in the cooler months. They can include bone-broth, lentils, garbanzo (chickpea) or black beans with vegetables. See the legume section. 

Many have asked if potato counts as a vegetable, yes it does. This means you can have 1 cup of potato as part of your daily 4.
We are aware that fruits and vegetables are expensive, but they provide key nutrients at a reasonable cost in comparison to supplements. In some instances, we have found that people do better on a low oxalate diet. If this is the case for you, please maintain your supplement recommendations and simply consume your 4 cups of veg from low-oxalate vegetables. We do not recommend the carnivore diet. This program is 60% animal products as it is. 

A soup maker is an easy way to make soups and increase your daily vegetable intake. 

*If you have a hard time consuming 4 cups of vegetables each day, do your best. If this program is for a child, 2 cups are excellent.


(1 cup, as part of your daily 4) You may have sprouts or microgreens on the side of meals. They can be heated if preferred. Microgreens are excellent foods and highly recommended. These include broccoli and sunflower, red cabbage, cilantro, and green daikon radish. Microgreens have considerably higher levels of vitamins and carotenoids—about five times greater than when these plants are fully grown (source, source, source). Microgreens contain an abundance of enzymes, fibre and other nutritional compounds that help to balance total body pH, nourish microbiota, and enhance the coherence of our biophotonic field and thus are effective for balancing oxidation. If you can, it is best to grow your own! They are fun and easy. Kids also enjoy this. 


Carbohydrates are the sugars, starches, and fibres found in fruits, grains, vegetables and milk products. They support thyroid health, hormone metabolism and detoxification.
The Mineral Balancing Program does not recommend a low-carb or keto diet unless one has clear requirements for such and has been suggested by your practitioner. Currently, we recommend eating approximately 250-300 grams of carbohydrates each day. Slow oxidisers may do better with this recommendation. If you are a fast oxidiser with a low Na/K ratio, you may also find this beneficial. It is important to have some with every meal to prevent hypoglycemia after eating proteins and to prevent entering a state of ketosis throughout the day. Ketosis is a stressed-state of the body and is not beneficial for long-term healing programs.  

Sugars and Sweeteners

We will not be worried about small intakes of natural sugars such as maple syrup, honey or rapadura. Refined sugars (such as white sugar) lack the minerals to metabolise it and are therefore an antinutrients to the body. When one is following a Mineral Balancing Program, this natural carbohydrate consumption is not of real concern. The primary reason for this is that we consume plenty of nourishment from the supplements in the program to support carbohydrate metabolism.
Sugars should be used as a delivery mechanism so that one can easily comply with the program. However, if one finds that they are excessively craving and consuming sugar, it is a sign of a nutrient-deficiency and diminishes bile production, increasing the toxic burden. The liver needs glucose (a sugar) for glucuronidation, which is necessary for detoxification. Sugar may also help individuals sleep, such as a spoon of honey or sweetened milk.
Depending on the individual, our intake requirement varies. Those with diminished thyroid activity may require some extra sugar to restore glycogen stores in the liver for proper hormone production. Those with a low sodium/potassium level may do better on a higher carbohydrate intake. 

We can synthesise omega-9 fats from sugar, which protects us from the inflammatory effects of PUFA’s and can be more effective than vitamin E in some cases (source). 


(One cup per day) These are best eaten in the morning or while you prep your meals. It’s best not to eat fruits until your digestive system has normalised. However, they are great sources of potassium and boron. They can be combined with cheese and other dairy products. All the nutrients that are found in fruits can be found in vegetables and this is preferred, however, compliance is important on the program, thus fruits are recommended.
We find it is best to wait a few months after starting this program before slowly adding in only ripe, fresh, local, and seasonal fruits. Exceptions to this are the avocado, which can be eaten once or twice a week for slow oxidisers and up to every day for fast oxidisers. Fruits to consider are açaí, apples, apricots, avocados, berries (blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries), black cherries, black currants, lemons, limes, blood orange, passion fruit, peaches, persimmons, plums, and pomegranate. At this time we do not recommend bananas at all as it contains radioactive potassium, and it is a scientifically engineered clone. Organic dried fruits are fine as long as they are not treated with sulphur dioxide or have added sulphites. Please note that half-cup of dried fruit equates to 1 cup of fresh fruit.


(Drink at least 1-2 cups each day) Include 1 cup of pulp-free orange, or tart cherry juice each day. One may also include wheatgrass and barley juice (or their powders) which are excellent sources of minerals and magnesium-based chlorophyll.
Some excellent sources of potassium that have been tested with hair analysis are the cardio beet product and the super greens products from Youngevity. Another source of potassium which is recommended is coconut water and orange juice. These products can be stacked to create a really potent potassium tonic for those that struggle to meet their potassium needs each day. Keep in mind that too much potassium may make you crash and feel very fatigued.
If you don’t have a juicer at home, you can buy pasteurised juices with no additives that say “not from concentrate” and “100% fruit juice” on the label. 


(Eat at least 4 oz of animal protein twice daily.) Natural, pasture-raised, hormone-free meats are optimal. Please include Lamb, kangaroo, beef, chicken, or turkey. Some of the negative attributes that have been commonly associated with meat and cardiovascular disease are due to preservatives or growth hormones and antibiotics that have been added. Thus, always seek out high-quality meats.  Some small fish such as sardines, mackerel or herring are also okay once weekly. Oysters may also be beneficial to consume due to their high nutrient content. If you are concerned about the mercury content of fish products, please consume one selenium tablet from Endomet. 

You should consume at least 1 or 2 eggs each day. Lentils and legumes are excellent sources of protein, but must be soaked for minimally one day (24-hours) and cooked for at least 3 hours on the stove top or 2 hours in the pressure cooker to remove lectins. Alternatively, you can eat canned beans from Eden brand, which removes the lectins for you. The best choices of dairy are Parmigiano-Reggiano, Colby, Feta, Cheddar, Gouda and Swiss cheese. Avoid processed cheese spreads and pre-sliced cheese. Cheese is an excellent source of vitamin K. 

Red meats

Lamb and wild game of all kinds is optimal. Kangaroo and lamb from the supermarket is good and can be eaten daily. These animals have high vitality and provide plenty of energy. Grass-fed beef may be eaten frequently, but not as often as lamb. If you feel overstimulated, gravitate towards a more calming meat, such as beef or bison. We recommend sprinkling half a teaspoon of gelatin to your meat to balance out the amino acid profile and to improve or maintain thyroid health. Cheaper cuts of meat often have more connective tissue and are thus better for your health for this reason. 


Naturally-raised, free-range or pasture-raised chicken, turkey and some duck if available. High-quality chicken and turkey sausage are also okay, but not as good as fresh meat. Eating chicken is fine, and many prefer to eat it over red meats, though lamb and eggs are a preferred primary source of protein on this program. At this time chicken is fine to eat three times each week. We have found that slow cooking chicken carcasses, and their feet, are excellent for making a healing broth that can then be used in various recipes such as cooking rice or making soups.

Note: Sausages are often laced with sub-par ingredients such as gluten and cheap herbs. Turkey or beef jerky are also okay for snack food if it is not made with gluten and chemicals, but keep in mind that upwards of 90% of thiamine (vitamin B1) is lost during processing (source). Jerky should not be a replacement for cooked meat, but may be helpful in certain situations.  


Eat organic and free-range or perhaps, pasture-raised eggs from the store or preferably from a farm or market. Consume about 12-14 eggs per week (about 1-2 or so a day). If you need to improve your neurological health, you can consume upwards of 9 eggs per day. If you do consume more eggs, please consider adding in more digestive aids to ensure proper digestion of the proteins to avoid an allergy. Always cook eggs lightly, so the yolks are runny. Soft-boiled, soft-scrambled or poached are best, always with the yolk runny. Eggs are a perfect food for cellular nutrition, they contain everything necessary for the development. They are cells! Never buy omega-3 enriched eggs, they are not worth the extra cost. 


(6 cups for fast oxidisers and 2 cups minimally for slow oxidisers). Dairy is an excellent food for about 65% of people. The remaining 35% may have an intolerance to dairy foods. If you cannot tolerate dairy, you must supplement calcium to prevent deficiency. Many people seem to tolerate raw goat milk, goat cheese, or goat yoghurt more than these versions from a cow. If you cannot tolerate cow dairy, try goat. You can also use raw kefir and full-fat Greek yoghurt. To meet your daily dairy intake. We highly recommend drinking A2 milk. Avoid fortified dairy (added vitamins) if possible.

Note: If you cannot find raw dairy, organic dairy products are the next best in line and acceptable. Many Canadians may be exposed to synthetic vitamin A and D while consuming milk. Consuming three cups of dairy has shown to be beneficial in preventing Alzheimer’s disease. We are aware that calcium in milk is only 30% absorbable, so we do not drink three cups to meet the RDI, but instead to maintain a high calcium dietary intake to support the ongoing daily stress and to counteract intestinal absorption of toxic metals. Milk is filtered through the animal’s tissues and is very pure food. If it were not, a mother would poison their offspring. Many studies suggest that milk is essential for healthy bones (source, source, source). Dairy and calcium seem beneficial in children (source, source, source), adults (source, source. source) and elderly (source, source, source) and is thus a good food for people in all stages of development. 

Fish and Seafood

Sardines are a rich source of nutritional factors. They are high in minerals, which are very supportive to good health. Their bones and skin are helpful for most people. However, we are not fond of excessive polyunsaturated fatty acid consumption and consider them to be a great inner physician deterrent. Especially when one's diet does not contain sufficient saturated fats or vitamin E. Supplemental and dietary omega-3 fatty acid consumption should not be concerned, for the simple reason that as it is not an essential nutrient. Please note that we do not recommend fish oil supplements. Sardines contain some heavy metals typically, but due to their size, little accumulates. Larger fish, sadly, along with most seafood in general, is not recommended on this program, as they are all contaminated with mercury today due to increased pollution of the ocean and a lack of selenium in their diets. Consuming other seafood should be limited to once per month. If you choose to eat them more than once per month, please be sure to take extra selenium with it. We prefer to eat non-oily fish such as sole or cod when possible. 

It is helpful to have on hand a bottle of Endomet’s Coq10 Plus E product for times when you know you are going to be eating foods which contain oils. This product can be purchased from Endomet with a 30% discount by using the practitioner code #6231. 


(Up to 2 cups weekly) Black beans and lentils (especially black) are among the best. Others include garbanzos (chickpeas), pintos, black beans, split peas, black-eyed peas, kidney beans and others.  

Always soak your beans in a baking soda bath for at least 24 hours, change the water every 12 hours or even longer and cook them for at least 4 hours, or pressure-cook for 2 hours to help remove lectins (which are anti-nutrients). Once cooked, wash the beans until there are no more bubbles in the water. The reason for eating beans is to keep soluble fibre in the duodenum so that it can bind with the bile as it is released from the gallbladder. We recommend eating some beans with each meal, throughout the day. Read more about this concept here. Note that we do not recommend as many beans as listed in the link.  

Nuts or Seeds 

We no longer recommend nuts and seeds due to their polyunsaturated fatty acid, mould, rancidity and their phytate content. We still recommend 3 raw almonds soaked in water with sea salt, preferably sprouted, each morning to kick-start HCL function and prep the stomach for the day. Sprouted seeds are lower in phytates and much higher in nutrients.  If you must eat them, it is a good idea to ensure that they are sprouted and stored properly. It is a good idea to keep them in the freezer until needed rather than room temperature. 

Note: Nuts & seeds are typically irradiated, containing oxidised fats which diminish the inner physician. Always keep nuts refrigerated and in an airtight container.

High-Quality Fats

Fats are super important for our nervous system. We recommend eating saturated fats due to their ability to change from liquid to solid with temperature changes. The importance of this in neuron nourishment cannot be understated. In general, it is recommended to have at least 1 teaspoon of some type of animal fat with each meal, these include ghee, butter, duck fat and grass-fed tallow. Fast oxidisers should have 1 tablespoon with each meal. Please avoid refined fish oils, as they are refined byproducts of the paint industry and often rancid and contain contaminants. In addition, they are highly susceptible to oxidation and heat, like any other oil. Coconut oil is much more stable from oxidation and heat and can be eaten on occasion and still allows the propagation of solitons. Refined oils of all kinds should be avoided, as they are typically rancid and thus toxic. These are oils such as corn, safflower, sunflower, canola, olive, flaxseed, hemp, sesame, or soy and includes tropical oils such as coconut oil, palm oil and avocado oil. Coconut oil appears to be helpful for boosting metabolism and perhaps avocado is the safest of oils, yet we do not recommend regular consumption of them.
All oils are inflammatory due to oxidation and the formation of acrylamides and heterocyclic amines during cooking, which can cause atherosclerosis. If you are consuming or will be consuming these oils, consider taking a minimal dose of 400 IU of vitamin E. Coconut milk can be used to cook with. However, in general, we recommend water-sautéing, steaming, and roasting rather than pan-frying. 

Avoid, to the best of your ability, poor quality oils and fried foods such as those found in fast-food such as restaurant deep-fried foods, margarine, shortening, and other so-called butter substitutes. Also, avoid processed and canned meats that often contain oxidised fats such as sardines in olive oil, sardines in spring water is a better choice but only once per week maximum.

Note: If you are concerned with high cholesterol: Cholesterol will normalise on a Mineral Balancing program in almost all cases without the need for dietary restriction. Consider asking your nutritional consultant about a copper or chromium deficiency. There is no need to be concerned of elevated cholesterol levels, as it’s an essential nutrient and necessary for the production of sex hormones. In some instances, elevated cholesterol is due to a subclinical deficiency of copper or chromium, or excessive inflammation.  The amount of fat that is suggested in this program is dependent on your cellular oxidation rate. Most fast oxidisers can consume much more fat than slow oxidisers. Please see diet attachments. 


(At least 3x per week)  Avoid dry boxed cereals and even gluten-free boxed products
─ for superior neuron and inner physician nourishment. Include foods such as blue corn, millet, buckwheat, or quinoa. Grains often contain mould (most are sold 4-12 months after harvesting). Corn has been shown to be problematic in some individuals, particularly those with mould illness.
Phytic acid found in grains blocks absorption of much of the calcium, and for this reason, it is an inner physician stressor. Leavened and sprouted grains are much better. 
Consider using Eden brand Yellow Organic Popcorn (and air-popping), Artichoke Ribbons, Eden mugwort Noodles & Eden mung bean pasta. Wild rice and blue corn are excellent foods. Oats in moderation have proven to be fine and not contribute to intestinal problems or prevent intestinal healing in many, but not all people. Always seek out oats that are “gluten-free” as they will not have been contaminated with other products such as wheat or barley. However, do not be fooled, they still will contain avenin, a protein similar to gluten (source).
At least 30% of so-called gluten-free products contain gluten, while 50% of them have measurable amounts of gluten (source). Thus, purchasing products labelled as “gluten-free” appears to be a farce, for the most part. We do not recommend foods that contain gluten or gliadin as chronic consumption creates contact dermatitis on the GI tract and microvilli, drastically reducing nutrient absorption and causing secondary and perhaps causing primary nutritional deficiency diseases. If one does choose to have some gluten-containing grains or bread on occasion, it is best to use sprouted breads.
There is no denying that gluten is damaging for everyone (source, source). But we do not believe that consuming so-called gluten-free products is a solution. Recently, we have been more open to consuming products that contain gluten. The reason is that a gluten-free diet does not appear to be sufficient for correcting intestinal damage caused by gluten. 60% of people with celiac never really recover even when following a gluten-free diet (source), and only 35% of people with celiac disease have mucosal recovery of the small intestine after 2 years of following a gluten-free diet. Of this, only 66% saw mucosal recovery after 5 years of eating a gluten-free diet (source). It is exceptionally rare (roughly 8%) for total gut restoration in adult celiac patients, despite following a gluten-free diet. Thus, it is clear that a gluten-free diet is not enough to correct the damage to the intestinal lining “leaky gut” in most people.  These findings suggest that while a gluten-free diet can help to prevent further damage, the avoidance of gluten alone is not sufficient for total gut restoration (source). For this reason, we still do not recommend consuming gluten-containing products, as a means to reduce dietary stress, but do not look to this as a solution. 


(Try to include as many herbs as you can)  Asafoetida, basil, Ceylon cinnamon, clove, cayenne pepper, nutmeg, oregano, rosemary, tarragon (especially if in a four-lows pattern), thyme, turmeric, parsley, sage, mustard seeds, cumin, garlic, fenugreek, turmeric, ginger, fennel and dill daily.
Some sea vegetables which can be used as toppings to many dishes that come with a nutritional punch include; Wakame, Dulse, Kelp, and Nori. 

Consuming pau d’arco tea is highly recommended at least once per day. Cistus tea is also fantastic if you are struggling with Lyme or bacterial/viral infections.

Cat's Claw and tarragon are helpful for those in four lows and can be consumed in tea form or in capsules. 

For those that cannot afford to eat 4-cups of vegetables each day, should look into foraging to help improve their nutrient intake (source). 

Fermented foods

(1-tablespoon each day) Fermented foods are fantastic for our health and have been eaten by humans for a very long time. Try to include some daily. 

Sauerkraut nourishes the good bacteria in your gut, which improves digestive health (source). One can make a sauce out of yoghurt for their vegetables. Sauerkraut consumption may help one recover from glyphosate exposure (source) and is critical as per modern farming practises. If one is concerned about glyphosate exposure, please consider the plant derived mineral product we recommend found here

Part 2: Nutritional Supplements

Your Supplement Program:

For the Free Mineral Balancing Program, we are recommending that you order the Power Pak as well as Ultimate Osteo Fx and consume these each month. Alternatively, you can use these products:

Always take your supplements with food, two or preferably three times daily. If you are very sensitive to them, begin with one dose per day and slowly increase as you can comfortably. For optimal results, it is best to follow the program as outlined, though it can be too potent for some people.

Do not combine A.M., Noon and P.M. dosages, and preferably take your supplements a minimum of 4 hours apart from each other. You may take extra digestive enzymes such as ox bile and Pancreatin when needed. 

Please do not take any supplements or herbs other than those recommended. They often negate the benefits of this program and your retest results. You can read a little bit about this here. If you are working with another practitioner or clinic and taking supplements, please tell us what you are taking so that we can compensate for their interactions.  If there are others you think might help, ask us about them. We are typically happy to integrate tonic herbs or enzymes into the program, although be aware that some products may interfere with your program and these inevitably add an overall cost increase to your program. 

This program is developed to work with Endo-met, Trace Element Inc and some Youngevity supplements. In some instances, we use other companies, especially for clients in Australia. We find that many nutritional supplements, even more expensive brands, do not work well for balancing hair tissue mineral results. Throughout the years, we have found that their products work well and have several formulas that we need to balance our tissue mineral levels. iHerb is also excellent in some cases, but not all, as it can deliver to many different countries, and they have good prices.

We generally recommend obtaining most of the supplements for this program from Endomet Laboratories and ordering them through John’s account number #6231 as he provides a discount to his clients. If you have not had an HTMA through John yet, you will not be able to order Endomet products.

Part 3: Natural Detoxification Procedures

NIR Red Heat Lamp Therapy or Sauna Therapy

The benefits of shining a red “heat lamp” on the abdomen and liver, or sitting in an infrared sauna, are numerous. The frequencies of these bulbs are very special, containing only red, orange, yellow, and green of the colour spectrum. Sunbathing, sitting with other types of lamps, or different saunas, including the ClearLight, do not provide the same benefits. Information can be found on my website at:

Single NIR Infrared Lamp Therapy

At least once per day for 20 minutes.

We recommend you buy a red 250-watt ‘heat lamp’ (R40) at most hardware stores for about USD 15.00. They are also sold online. You should also buy a clamp-on socket that is capable of handling a 250-watt bulb. 

Begin by shining the heat lamp on your abdomen, liver or back, without a shirt on, for 10-20 minutes. Most people can slowly increase the time in the light to about an hour per day, especially if they are not yet using a sauna.

Infrared Sauna Therapy

Twenty minutes to one hour each day, or minimally three times each week. 

This is a sauna heated with three or four NIR infrared heat lamps. It works much better than a single red heat lamp. Free plans to build a heat lamp sauna are available. If you prefer to buy, they come made of wood or a tent type of frame covered with canvas or other material. Most people need the red heat lamp sauna for many years to help remove the bulk of their toxic metals and chemicals. The entire family can use it with wonderful benefits.
The best times for doing saunas are first thing in the morning and just before bedtime. Be sure to drink 4-8 ounces of water before entering the sauna. Drink about 12-16 ounces afterwards to replenish lost fluids from sweating; rest for at least 10 minutes after your sauna session. It is ideal to weigh yourself before and after the sauna session and drink the amount of water weight that you have lost. Traditional “hot rocks” saunas are okay, but not nearly as effective as the NIR infrared. You can convert some saunas into NIR infrared saunas.

Note: After much experimentation, we have found that ClearLight Saunas have very low EMF and are very effective at enhancing detoxification. At this time, we can offer a discount of $75 on top of any promotion they are offering to those living in Australia and Europe. To receive this discount, be sure to tell the staff that you want to use code ‘Mineralbalancing’.

Foot Reflexology

Ten minutes each foot up to three times daily.

This safe, simple, inexpensive and powerful procedure balances the meridians and promotes healing. It is extremely effective. 

Rub each foot firmly all over, beginning with the toes, for about 10 minutes on each foot. Spend more time on any area that is tender or painful. Rub all around the toes and the top of the foot behind the toes, the arch, and sides of the heel. 

Do the procedure at least twice daily. The easiest way is when you arise in the morning, while still in bed, and when you go to bed at night. Foot treatments are safe and effective and particularly useful for eliminating temporary symptoms such as fatigue, headaches and much more. Foot reflexology is a non-threatening method of touch that is very helpful for both children and adults.

Dry Brushing

Before your shower. At least three times per week.

Dry brushing is time-proven and is known to enhance the lymphatic system and improve skin health. Dry brushing stimulates lymph flow, moving stagnant toxins out of connective tissues. It improves circulation by delivering oxygenated blood to the skin, which helps reduce wrinkles, cellulite, and even age spots. Dry brushing is a critical aspect of the program as it results in a glowing complexion, evens the skin tone and helps keep our skin pores free of oil and debris. Another benefit of dry brushing is that it promotes tighter skin and cell renewal and softens hard fat deposits below the skin, distributing them evenly.


While dry brushing, your pressure should be firm, but not painful.  Do not brush over broken skin such as cuts or eczema, sensitive areas, varicose veins or bruises. Also, do not dry brush your face unless you use a special brush designed for this. The reason we dry brush before the shower and not after is that in order to dry brush,  we must be dry. Always brush towards your heart because the lymph flows towards the heart. Brushing towards your heart can put pressure on your veins. I like to dry brush in the shower when the water is not on.

  1. Purchase a natural dry brush with a long handle so you can reach all areas of your body.

  2. Add a few drops of organic coconut oil or sesame oil to the bristles of your brush.

  3. Sit down and start on the sole of your right foot. Brush upwards on your ankle, shin and calf, and do the same for your left foot.

  4. Move over to your abdomen, brushing upwards in a counterclockwise motion.

  5. Brush each arm, starting with the palm, inward towards your heart. The armpit area is a location which tends to harbour toxins, so be sure to give them some attention.

  6. Gently brush your chest area, but not your breast area or nipples.

  7. Brush the back of your neck area by starting at the nape of your neck and stroking over the shoulder toward the front of your body.

  8. Lastly, brush your back to get rid of the skin cells (if you do not do this in the shower, do it over the sink or trash).


  • About once a week, wash your dry brush with soap and water and let it dry completely before using it again.

  • Take a shower after you brush. You may alternate between the hottest water you can stand and the coldest water you can stand to stimulate blood circulation and lymph drainage.

  • Once you are finished, dry off your body with a towel. 

  • After dry brushing, drink a glass of warm lemon + ACV water. It hydrates the cells, supports an optimal body pH, enhances detoxification and helps with weight loss. 

The Spinal Twist 

Once or twice daily. 

  1. Lie down on your back with your legs straight, feet together but not crossed, and your arms stretched out to the sides. Gently and slowly breathe deeply and turn your head from side to side. Turn it as far as you can comfortably. Never, ever force anything! This will help adjust your neck and upper back. 

  2. While lying on your back on a bed or the floor, lift your left leg straight up in the air and gently swing it to your right over the other leg, so it twists your spine to the right. Stay in this position for a few breaths and then slowly release. Now repeat the leg raising and twisting with the right leg. At times, you may need to repeat, alternating legs. These simple exercises can help align your spine. 

  3. While lying on your back on a bed or the floor, bend one leg. Firmly grab that foot and pull it firmly toward your groin. Often, the knee will pop or snap, but does not have to. Do the same with the other foot.

  4. “Pop” the toes by pushing them downward forcefully. Don’t worry – you will not hurt yourself doing this twice daily. This releases a lot of tension.

Note: I first learned this procedure from Dr Lawrence Wilson and have found it beneficial for many people.  


30-minute session each day.

Rebounding is a fun and easy cellular exercise that supports optimal lymphatic and immune system health. In addition to supporting bone density and detoxification, rebounding keeps your muscles toned and tight. It exercises every single cell in our body, without putting a strain on your joints or going to the gym. For added benefit, apply weighted gloves to increase the G-force.  Rebounding improves coordination and accelerated mental development. It's the most efficient and effective form of exercise and was studied by N.A.S.A. In a 30-minute session, 100 to 280 extra calories can be burned. See here for a book on rebounding and its benefits.

Detox Bath

At least once per week.

“The sea cures all ailments of man.” – Plato. 

This detox bath is a form of thalassotherapy. For health conditions that require therapeutic bathing, this bath has been used 5 out of 7 days of the week. Be sure to drink extra water during the following 24-48 hours, as your body will continue to remove toxins during this time. 

These ingredients can also be used for a foot bath. The foot bath is generally preferred by many of our clients. However, the amount of ingredients is significantly reduced to 1 tablespoon of each ingredient. The water can be reused one more time, afterwards, pour this water into your backyard or in Nature, as plants can also benefit from it. This is a very potent bath, and many individuals have reported that it initialised a heavy detox for them. Please start at a half dose and work your way up. 



  1. Combine the Dead Sea salt, Epsom salt, Borax and baking soda. Stir the combination into 4 cups of warm water until dissolved.

  2. Fill the bathtub.

  3. Pour in the dissolved salt mixture from step 1.

  4. Soak in the bath for 20 to 40 minutes.

Optional: Liver Compression

Daily, if possible.

This technique is helpful to decongest the liver and mobilise bile. Please follow the instructions found in this video. Liver compression is a good idea to do prior to a coffee enema. 

Optional: Coffee Enemas

Daily or twice per week.

Coffee enemas are an excellent way to detoxify the entire body and are one of the best liver detoxification methods available. They are also safe and not too uncomfortable when done correctly. They can be done up to 4 times daily. This procedure is highly recommended for most people to remove large quantities of toxins from the liver and other organs. We have found that some people become dependent on coffee enema’s and no longer recommend them each day. They may be of use when one needs to clean out their colon due to undigested food. In some instances, we have had parasites come out from coffee enema’s alone, but they are extremely effective when combined with the other detoxification protocols in this program. 

Coffee Enemas also are not recommended when one is in a four lows pattern or has a sympathetic dominance (a potassium level below 4 mg%). 

Optional: Pine Oil

Three days straight, four days break, and repeat.  

Consuming pine oil is an excellent way to cleanse the body of chronic infections and parasites. It has been used for centuries, but has been buried and claimed to be toxic. Because pine oil is an essential oil, you must consume it with a fat or carrier oil. 

We suggest adding it to a cup of milk sweetened with sugar, honey or maple syrup and ¼ tsp of sea salt. It is a good idea to sweeten the milk a bit of xylitol as well. Parasites are enticed by both the milk and sugar, but they really do not like pine oil or salt and when they eat the xylitol they will not be able to metabolise it and can kill them. 

It is safe to consume upwards of one tablespoon of pine oil, though we do not recommend this dosage. Instead, we recommend starting with just one drop and building one’s tolerance over time. You may want to increase one drop of pine oil each week until you are at half a teaspoon. This seems to be a good dosage for cleansing. Before beginning pine oil therapy, you should ensure that you are having bowel movements at least once per day, but preferably twice per day. Using herbal bitters or cascara sagrada seems to be helpful for bowel movements. Aloe may also be used. Some herbal bitters contain these as well. 

Part 4: Lifestyle

Reduce All Toxic Exposures  

The best way to ensure we have set the stage for healing our bodies, we need to minimise the disturbing factors. Clean up toxic homes and offices. Do your best to avoid breathing or other contacts with toxic products. Substitute non-toxic cleaners, solvents, soaps, and other products at home and at work. Also, wear as little perfume and antiperspirants as possible, as most contain toxic chemicals. Use an Air Revitaliser to eliminate odours, reduce airborne allergens (including mould spores), bacteria and pollutants in poorly ventilated rooms. Do not put oils or lotions on the skin unless absolutely necessary, as they clog the pores. Seek out non-toxic alternatives, Organic Essential Oil blends can replace most of the products mentioned. Please do not use toothpaste that contains fluoride.


Find an opportunity each day to relax. You may like to have a warm bath with some scented Epsom salts (or magnesium chloride), neem tincture, and sea salt. See Detoxification Procedures for a Detox Bath.

Daily Fresh Air

Air is the first and most immediate human necessity. Under the right conditions, we can subsist for days without the benefit of food or water, but deprived of oxygen, we only last a few minutes and the results will be quite noticeable. The fact is, without air, for an average of three to four minutes, the body will die. Now, imagine how much air passes through your lungs in a single day, a week, a year, a lifetime. If this air is pure, natural, unpolluted, then your lungs will be better able to do their job that they are meant to do. But, when every breath you take is 'just a little bit polluted,' then you are depriving your body of a necessity that it cannot function without. It is highly recommended to purchase a HEPA air filter for rooms you spend the most amount of time in. If you do not have an air filter, you are the filter! 

Give your body a break; let it breathe clean, fresh air as often as is possible for you. Visit local forests, mountains, and the ocean. You could also clean, purify, refresh and revitalise (enhance the oxygen) in your home and office with another method, suggested by NASA, by filling your living space with plenty of plants. We spend 1/3rd of our day minimally at home during our 8-hour sleep. Dr Wolverton, senior research scientist who heads NASA'S environmental research laboratory at the John C. Stennis Space Centre in Mississippi, has used ordinary houseplants to clean indoor air of chemical fumes and every kind of pollutant for several years now. This extensive environmental research by NASA indicates that the best method of cleaning and purifying your indoor air is by using common green plants. 

Interestingly, a series of studies suggest that being outdoors can increase vitality and overall energy. If you live in the United States, you can visit this website to see how your state scores on the air quality report card. 

Sun Exposure

Sunshine is the only source of natural energy for every living being upon this Earth. It is important. All life, whether it be plant or animal, in the water or on the land, needs the energy of the Sun and the frequencies in which it shares with us. In a way, an argument could be made that ALL life on earth is merely a crystallised FORM of the Sun's energy and that all flesh is grass. The human body is a part of life and also needs this vital energy. The Sun supplies our bodies with many valuable nutritional elements in the form of vitamins and some rare earth elements such as scandium. The latest evidence points out that emotional happiness directly is linked to sunlight exposure. People who are deprived of sunlight are more depressed than those who get their fair share. It has also been recently proven that the amount of sun that you receive (through your eyes) determines how well you sleep at night. Those people who do not get out into the sun or those who have adopted the unnatural lifestyle of staying up all night and sleeping during the day will not sleep as soundly (or benefit from sleep as much) as those who keep a more natural routine.

Whenever you can give your body moderate sunshine, you will be giving it a valuable source of energy. Make it a habit to get daily, moderate amounts of sunshine. If you get sunburns, or other discomforts develop, then you are getting too much. Continued discomfort might indicate that you need professional attention. A proper nutritional program can help protect the body from the harmful effects of prolonged sun exposure.

If possible, spend half an hour outdoors daily, preferably in nature. If you can, expose your skin, especially the eyes and the chest, to the sunlight at this time. Do not use sunglasses or sunscreen as it blocks the full spectrum sun. If it is cold outside, sit in front of a glass window to get sun exposure. Early morning or late afternoon sunshine is best in warm climates. If your skin is burning, do not spend more time in the sun, as this is a sign from your body that you have had enough. The full spectrum of colours can be found in the sun, and it is very healing. If you find that you have a tendency to get sunburns more often due to lifestyle, it is helpful to do some infrared lamp therapy, as this can help mitigate the colour balancing of ultraviolet and the infrared spectrum.

A useful app for mobile phones is called Dminder. As the name suggests, it reminds you and helps notify you when peak time is for obtaining vitamin D from the Sun. If you absolutely cannot get enough sun time, and you have tested your “vitamin D 25 OH” please supplement with some. Send John a message if you are concerned about this. 

Gentle Exercises Only

Exercise is an important aspect of any cleansing and healing program. When you move your body: you activate your lungs through breathing, your blood and lymph circulate, your liver and lymph nodes start their detoxification processes, you sweat out of your skin, and your kidneys filter the contaminants from the blood. Exercise essentially gets things moving!  

Let your body move, naturally. Find a walking buddy, and commit to meeting them regularly. If necessary, ask your doctor where to start when it comes to walking. Most start with just 15 minutes a day and add 5 minutes every week until they are walking one full hour a day. Walk while maintaining good posture. Walking slowly for about half an hour, mild cycling or light weight lifting several times per week is excellent. Rebounding is my all-time favourite way to exercise while on the program. Please avoid all vigorous exercise or exhausting activities.  These are not needed with this program, and just wear out the body. 

After a few weeks of exercising, you’ll have more energy during the day, sleep better at night, and start noticing some positive physical changes in your body. Stay flexible by stretching your muscles daily before and after walking. Keep in mind that one hour of fast postural walking can reset your body’s “set point” so you quickly reach your ideal and healthy waistline. 

Avoid walking often throughout heavy traffic areas, and do not walk barefoot in the city or in parking lots. 

Nature Immersion

Nature immersion is becoming crucial during our “technologically enhanced world”. We spend an extraordinary amount of time staring at screens and indoors. This increases our exposure to toxins and poor-quality air. When we immerse ourselves in nature, even for just 30-90 minutes each day, we reawaken our primal instincts and experience Nature’s therapy. On a simple walk through a forest, you experience colour therapy from the sights of living plants. While exploring Nature, you will also smell the aroma of flowers and trees and get a healthy dose of aromatherapy. It purifies our senses and may even improve our immune system, according to research from Tokyo. Since it is outside, you will inevitably be in contact with the Sun. This is heliotherapy. Other research found that participants who went on a 90-min walk through a natural environment reported lower levels of rumination (repetitive thought focused on negative aspects of the self), and showed reduced neural activity in an area of the brain linked to risk for mental illness (source).

Nature Immersion can be done at the same time as gentle exercise. Try Yoga or Tai Chi, or Qigong in the park or have a walk through a park.  

Grounding Or Earthing

One of the major differences I have noticed from my transition to Australia from Canada is that people here are much more grounded. Not only mentally but physically. There are numerous benefits to touching the Earth. Direct physical contact with the surface of the planet generates a kind of electric nutrition, with surprisingly potent and rapid effects. Grounding supports our immune and nervous system health (source), balances hormones (source), and neutralises inflammation (to an extent) and has antioxidant effects. It even helps enhance detoxification (source). One-hour contact with the Earth restores blood flow regulation to the face, suggesting enhances skin tissue repair while improving facial appearance (source). Earthing also has an effect on calcium–phosphate (and perhaps the Ca/P ratio on a hair tissue mineral analysis) and is a critical factor for regulating endocrine and nervous systems.

Make it a habit to spend some time touching the Earth and walking barefoot in forests or on the beach. Please do not walk barefoot on the sidewalk or other areas where you can be exposed to nasty petrochemicals or synthetic fertilisers.

It is also an excellent idea to ground the body while sleeping,  as it has been shown that it reduces nighttime levels of cortisol and resynchronizes cortisol hormone secretion (source). You may find that using a heel grounder and a wristband will improve both sleep and your progress on the program substantially. 

Rest and Sleep 

Go to bed before 10:00 PM, and get at least 9 hours of sleep each night, or as much as your body requires. You will be surprised to learn that as you nourish your cells and begin to reach optimal health, your sleep time will become much more restful and the need for it will decrease. Make it a habit to go to sleep each night at the same time, this will help maintain your circadian rhythm. It is critical to optimise your sleeping environment to be as conducive to sleep as possible. 

Your bedroom should be free of clutter, stressful discussions, harsh lighting, loud noises, and electromagnetic pollution. Ensure that you have an environment that is conducive to sleep; a calm, dark and peaceful environment that you feel safe in that has very little distractions. As you sleep, your body moves through 90-minute sleep cycles. When you wake up unnaturally in a heavier sleep cycle, you will feel more “foggy” and “groggy”. Refer to the old adage, "early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise."

Try and meet the Sun on it’s rising and the sunset, experiencing the beauty of the day and the natural restfulness of the night will help you to keep in better tune with the ebb and flow of creation's natural time schedule. 20-minute naps are also very good. Periods of fatigue often occur during this program due to deep healing, which requires plenty of rest.

Sleep Tips

  • Have a glass of milk or dandelion tea with some honey or another sweetener to ensure that you have adequate glycogen stores.

  • Turn-off blue-spectrum lights and incorporate red and yellow-tinted light bulbs. Stop using electronics and energy-saving light bulbs, ideally after 7 o'clock. 

  • Give yourself time to transition from “doing” to “being”. Make it a habit to establish a nighttime routine to help you unwind before bed. Some examples are; drinking a cup of chamomile tea, meditating, listening to quiet music, some light stretching or foot reflexology, single infrared bathing or simply “nothing” to help your brain transition from the “do” aspect of the day to enable the “be” mode and slower the brain rhythms to support sleep.

  • Keep electronics out of your bedroom. Invest in some “blackout” curtains that block light from the street and perhaps a sound machine if you are living in a noisy neighbourhood.  

  • Add some plants to your bedroom that enhance relaxation, such as lavender or aloe. You can use some essential oils in a diffuser to help you relax.  

  • Turn off your Wi-Fi, unplug any unnecessary electronics in your bedroom and keep your phone on flight mode, or better yet outside the room completely. 

  • Install a blue-blocking app on your computer and phone, such as F.LUX or Twilight. iPhones and even some Samsung devices now have a blue-light filter built-in.

  • Infrared lamps or an infrared sauna, as well as foot reflexology, are an excellent way to relax the body and prepare it for sleep. 

  • Have an extra calcium and magnesium to help relax the body. 

  • Use a grounding heel grounder and a wristband while sleeping. 


Meditation is a great way to reduce overall stress levels and balance the nervous system. It also enables you to feel at peace and at ease in life's situations. Meditation may even enhance your lifespan and lengthen your telomeres which dramatically enhances or maintains our hormone production such as human growth hormone (HGH) production, serotonin, melatonin and DHEA levels while decreasing our cortisol (a stress hormone) level. Our visual processing takes upwards of 80% of our brain capacity, so simply closing your eyes, more of your energy can be directed to calming down, digestion, resting, centring and healing.
Start with 5 minutes, morning and night, and slowly build up your sessions. There are many ways to meditate and in Tibetan, meditation actually means to become familiar with. There is no wrong way to do this! Explore online and find the one that you are comfortable doing. I personally practise what is called Yoga Nidra.
In the future, we will have a group with Project Noosphere. Future updates of this document will include more information. An excellent documentary on meditation can be found here.

SDR Breathing

SDR Breathing is Slow and Deep, Rhythmic Breathing. Practice slow, deep, rhythmic breathing each day. Lie down or sit up with your spine straight. Take deep conscious breaths in slowly to a count of 4 or more. Then hold for a count of 2 or 4, and breathe out slowly to a count of 4 or more. Do this gently and continuously for at least 20 minutes each day, or more if possible. If you feel light-headed, relax for a few minutes, let go of the practice and try again. Oxygen is a critical nutrient. It helps the absorption of nutrients and can speed up detoxification, while SDR breathing can balance the nervous system, lowers high blood pressure for those with hypertension, reduce anxiety and improves cognition when done regularly. A guided breathing exercise can be found here  

Minimizing Electromagnetic Pollution 

Repeated Wi-Fi studies show that Wi-Fi causes oxidative stress, sperm/testicular damage, neuropsychiatric effects, apoptosis, cellular DNA damage, endocrine changes, and calcium overload (source). Thus, reducing and perhaps minimising overall exposure is helpful and may lower high calcium levels on a hair tissue mineral analysis.  

At night, put your cell phone on flight mode and turn off and unplug all electrical devices that are near where you sleep, including the Wi-Fi router. Try to use corded phones, not cell phones or cordless phones. Wear a headset with a cell or portable phone, and use them as infrequently as you can. Also, minimise x-rays and especially CT and MRI scans that emit harmful radiation. Hardwiring your internet not only will improves connection and speeds on the internet, but it is also better for your health. 

EMF negatively affects our endocrine glands, nervous system, liver, kidney, spleen, and immune system and disrupts our biophotonic field (source). In addition, EMF results in an increase of intracellular calcium and perhaps cause tumours (source), or perhaps be a major cause for high calcium levels on a hair test, electromagnetic sensitivity or chronic infections (source). The National Toxicology Program concluded that cell phone radio frequencies exhibit clear evidence of carcinogenic activity

Practise Gratitude  

Take a moment throughout the day to appreciate and honour your body and the planet (and/or creator) for all the things you are capable of doing in life. 

Practise keeping your thinking and attitudes pure, positive and wholesome. There are many benefits to practising gratitude, including; Stronger immune systems, improved tolerance to aches and pains, lower blood pressure and can help you sleep longer and feel more refreshed upon waking. Practising gratitude allows you to become more in touch with your true self by improving your levels of positive emotions, making you feel more alert, alive, and awake, and helps feel more joy, pleasure, optimism and happiness. When you feel better and more like yourself, you can socialise better. Allowing you to feel more helpful, generous, and compassionate. Gratitude also helps you become more forgiving, outgoing, and can help you feel less lonely and isolated. This is very important when one is on a journey to health. Your thoughts nourish your body and mind. This will take time and patience, however, you will notice how much stress negative thinking patterns impact your life. Also, keep inspiring and uplifting reading material, tapes, CDs and videos available at all times. Your friends should also uplift and inspire you. Avoid books, movies, tapes, CDs and people that cause you anger, arise fear, hatred or other negative feelings. Check out this article to learn 10 ways to become more grateful. There are some neat videos as well; the power of gratitude, what good is gratitude?, challenges to gratitude, and cultivating gratitude

Be of Service to Others

I’ve found that helping others will make you more resilient to stress. Ideas to be of service to others include volunteering or community work, or even just helping others in your own family. You can even help out with our Mineral Balancing Friends group by contributing and teaching others what you know. This is just one way to give back to the environment which we co-exist in, and the more we give to others, the more resilient to stress we become. You don't need to save the world, but practising kindness each day is a wonderful practice. Small actions make a big difference, such as helping someone in need cross the road or bringing coffee for your work colleagues. By focusing your attention on the wellbeing of others, your own stress levels will greatly diminish. Consider how you can enrich and improve your environment, and just do it to be kind. 



If you develop an infection while on this program, please call your practitioner before taking antibiotics. The reason for this is that in most cases, the symptom is retracing and does not require drugs. We will recommend much less toxic alternatives to try first. However, never ignore infections, nor do we ever suggest that you avoid seeing a doctor. Infections are a common sign of healing taking place, however, prolonged infections are not.

Vaccines / Inoculations

While the rhetoric surrounding vaccines is convincing and influential, the fact is that there is substantial evidence that they are not as safe and effective as they want us to believe. Nourishing the Natural Immune System is the best “vaccine,” and our Mineral Balancing Program is perfectly designed for this. We never recommend any vaccines, boosters, tetanus shots or flu shots. They are not needed if you follow this program. However, if you find yourself in a situation where you need to be inoculated, please keep in mind that nourishment can protect you from some possible negative effects and may even enhance the efficacy of immunisations due to the Biological Replacement Theory of Elements. 

Medical Drugs

Please be open about all medicinal and recreational drugs that you are on, as they need to be considered when creating your program. Take prescribed medication if absolutely necessary. Many of them treat symptoms only, which in turn leads to greater harm, by suppressing the body’s “alarm system,” and adding to the toxic burden. In general, continue taking prescribed medication unless your doctor decides otherwise. The goal is to reduce your need for medication. While on this program, you may need to visit the doctor and share with them your improvements and ask them to help you get off of your medications if possible. Stopping prescribed medication too soon or too rapidly is not always safe or recommended. Always follow your doctor's recommendations in regard to prescription medication and dosing. If you are thyroid medication, please do not consume calcium containing supplements within a two-hour window of the time you take your medication.