10 General Tips for Health

Our Mineral Balancing program is most effective when it becomes an integral part of your lifestyle. Fad diets, commercialised food products, and quick-fix supplement recommendations are not sustainable and often lead to frustration and disappointment. To achieve long-term success, it's important to approach a mineral balancing diet with respect for the wisdom of nature and the intelligence of your own body.

With the increasing control of FOOD INC. over supermarket foods, it's becoming harder than ever to get adequate cellular nourishment. This is because many critical nutrients are lost through modern growing practices, processing, storage, cooking, irradiation, pasteurization, and sterilization techniques. By the time produce reaches your dinner plate, it's often depleted of many of its nutrients. Additionally, the modern way of life often leaves us overworked, overtired, and overextended, making supplementation necessary.

These factors can make it challenging to make changes to our diet and lifestyle, but it's important to keep in mind the benefits of feeling great, looking radiant, and expressing our full genetic potential. So, instead of focusing on calorie counting and food scales, focus on following the 10 foundations that promote optimal function of the inner physician for peak efficiency.

#1 - Clean Air

Breathing is something we often take for granted, yet it is the most essential thing we do to sustain life. Without air, we can only survive for a matter of minutes before the effects of oxygen deprivation become apparent. But have you ever stopped to think about the quality of the air you breathe?

The air we inhale on a daily basis plays a crucial role in our overall health and well-being. When the air is pure and unpolluted, our lungs can function at their best. However, when we are constantly breathing in polluted air, our bodies are deprived of the vital oxygen they need to function properly.

Think about how much air you inhale in a single day, week, year, or even a lifetime. Now imagine if all of that air was just a little bit polluted. The impact on your health can be significant. Many people believe that they are safe from the effects of air pollution because they live in a clean and quiet neighborhood. However, the truth is that pollution can be found everywhere, even in the most remote of locations. It's important to remember that if you don't have an air filter, you are the filter. Investing in an air filter for your home can greatly improve the air quality and protect your health. It's a small step that can have a big impact on your overall well-being. So, take a moment to consider the air you breathe and take action to ensure it's as pure as possible. Your body will thank you for it.

Our bodies need clean, fresh air to function properly. One of the best ways to give your body a break and breathe in clean air is by visiting natural environments such as forests, mountains, and the ocean. However, it's not always possible to spend time outdoors, and that's where indoor air purification comes in. NASA's environmental research laboratory at the John C. Stennis Space Center in Mississippi has been studying the best methods of cleaning and purifying indoor air for years. Their research suggests that the most effective way to improve the air quality in your home and office is by filling your living space with plenty of plants. Plants have the ability to remove chemical fumes and pollutants from the air, making them an excellent choice for air purification. Dr. Wolverton, a senior research scientist who heads NASA's environmental research laboratory, has been using common houseplants for this purpose for several years.

We spend at least one-third of our day at home, mostly during our 8-hour sleep, which means that the air we breathe while we sleep is crucial for our overall health and well-being. Adding some plants to your home or office can make a big difference in the air quality and your overall health.

In summary, fresh air is essential for our well-being, but when it's not possible to be outdoors, filling your living space with plants is an effective way to purify and revitalize the air you breathe, according to NASA. So, give your body a break, and breathe in some fresh air, whether it's in nature or in your own home. Studies also suggest that being outdoors can increase vitality and overall energy. If you're curious about the air quality in your state, you can check the air quality report card. Take care of the air so that it can take care of you. We need clean, fresh air as much as possible for optimum health.

#2 - Pure and Living Water

When it comes to achieving optimal health, water is one of our most essential needs. In fact, our bodies are made up almost entirely of water, making it crucial for our overall well-being. But not all water is created equal. City tap water is often heavily chemicalised and fluoridated, which can have negative effects on our health. The best option for human consumption is water from a living spring. Spring water is closest to the type of water that humans have been nourished with for millions of years, and it is usually purified naturally as it sinks through layers of granite and into the water table. However, it's worth noting that modern pollutants are affecting our groundwater supply, so it's important to find the cleanest, most untouched and unpolluted water available.

One way to ensure that you're getting enough water is to drink at least half your body weight (in lb’s) in ounces of water daily. It's also important to note that sometimes when we feel hungry, we may actually be thirsty, so it's always worth trying to drink some water before reaching for food.

As humans, it's our responsibility to be water-protectors and care for the water of the earth so that we, and the generations to come, can drink fresh, clean, living water. This includes not only ensuring that we have access to clean water for our own consumption, but also making sure that the water we use to feed our gardens and other living things is of high quality.

Note: For those in the United States, I have found that Icelandic Glacial spring water to be the purest that I have come across. Upon reviewing the California bottled water report, this water has undetected toxic elements such as arsenic, lead, mercury, barium, chlorine, uranium, fluoride, nickel and cadmium. For this reason, we recommend this water on the Integrative Mineral Balancing Program.

#3 - Wholesome, Natural Food. 

Eliminate foods that diminish our inner physician.

Eating for optimal health and nourishment can be a daunting task in today's world of fad diets and quick-fix supplements. However, it's important to remember that our bodies were designed to operate on certain, nutrient-dense foods that have been fuelling us for millions of years. Skimping on these essential fuels can lead to poor health and decreased function, just like a car running on lower quality gasoline.

One key to optimal nutrition is to focus on whole, unprocessed foods that are as close to their natural form as possible. This means opting for organically grown, non-genetically modified, and gluten-free grains, seeds, vegetables, and nuts. These foods provide a wealth of essential nutrients and fibre, which support the growth of beneficial gut bacteria and aid in digestion.

Another important aspect of eating for optimal health is to pay attention to the freshness of the food you consume. The fresher the food, the more vital energies it contains and the more quickly it can nourish your body. This is why it's a great idea to grow your own produce (sprouts especially!), or at the very least, purchase the freshest produce possible from local farmers' markets or grocery stores.

In addition to the foods you eat, it's important to pay attention to your body's signals of hunger and fullness. Eating only enough to satisfy your hunger and leaving 70% of your stomach for the process of digestion is crucial for optimal digestion and nutrient absorption. Additionally, it's important to give your body time to rest and repair when you're not hungry.

In summary, eating for optimal health and nourishment is all about focusing on whole, unprocessed foods that are as close to their natural form as possible and that are grown or sourced with care. By paying attention to your body's signals and nourishing it with the foods it needs, you can support the growth of beneficial gut bacteria, aid in digestion and absorption, and ultimately empower your inner physician to keep you healthy and vibrant.

#4 - The Land

It is high time to realize that our national health lies in our soil, and the guarantee against failing health lies in the wise management of the soil for production of nutritious foods. Fertile soils are the first requisites if we are to be well fed and healthy and, therefore, to remain a strong nation
— Dr William Albrecht in the Agricultural Leader's Digest 1953.

The land and soil on which we live and grow our food is the foundation of all life on Earth. It is the "mother of us all," providing the nourishment we need to survive and thrive. Science confirms that the quality of the soil is the most important factor in producing highly nutritious food. Dr. William A. Albrecht, an expert on soil from the University of Missouri, Department of Soil, stated that there is no comparison between the nutritional value of produce grown on fertile, organic land and that grown using modern farming methods.

So, what is the problem with our land? The secret to fertile soil lies in the millions of microorganisms that thrive in it, decomposing matter and producing natural fertilizer for the local vegetation. However, modern influences such as chemical fertilisers, pesticides, and acid rain have killed these microorganisms and deprived our vegetation of the benefits of natural fertiliser. This chemicalisation of our land has been ongoing for decades and is the main reason why our produce and fruit lack nutritional value and the taste and smell of truly natural, organically grown produce.

#5 - Walk

Walking is a natural and easy way to improve your physical and mental well-being. To get started, focus on maintaining good posture while walking. Find a walking buddy to keep you motivated and committed to regular exercise. If you have any health concerns, consult your doctor before beginning a walking routine. You can start small, with just 15 minutes a day and gradually increase by 5 minutes each week until you reach a goal of walking for one full hour daily.

In just a few weeks of regular exercise, you'll notice an increase in energy during the day, better sleep at night, and positive physical changes in your body. To stay flexible and prevent injuries, make sure to stretch your muscles before and after walking. Additionally, regular fast-paced walking for an hour can help reset your body's "set point" and aid in reaching your ideal and healthy waistline.

Remember that movement is essential for proper nourishment, as it allows blood and nutrients to flow to various areas of the body. So, let your body move naturally and start reaping the benefits of walking today!

#6 - Sleep

Getting enough quality sleep is crucial for your overall health and well-being. During sleep, your body enters a relaxed state, allowing each cell to rejuvenate and prepare for the next day. The key is to listen to your body's needs and give it as much sleep as it requires. As you nourish your cells and strive for optimal health, you may find that your sleep becomes more restful and the need for it decreases.

Recent research suggests that most people, even those in good health, need around six hours of sleep. However, the time you choose to sleep is also important. The old adage "early to bed and early to rise, makes a (hu)man healthy, wealthy and wise" holds true. By going to bed and waking up early, you can align your sleep schedule with the natural rhythm of the day and night, and experience the beauty of both.

So, make sure to prioritize sleep and give your body the rest it needs for optimal health. And, Try to experience the beauty of day and night with rising and setting of sun. It will help you to keep better tune with the natural time schedule of creation.

#7 - Sunshine

Sunshine is the foundation of life on Earth, providing natural energy for all living beings. Whether plant or animal, in water or on land, every organism relies on the energy of the Sun. In fact, one could argue that all life on Earth is simply a crystallized form of the Sun's energy. As human beings, our bodies also need this energy. The Sun provides us with valuable nutrients, by converting cholesterol to vitamin D, and rare earth elements like scandium, to help keep us healthy.

Recent research has also shown a link between sunlight exposure and emotional well-being. People who are deprived of sunlight tend to be more depressed than those who get enough. Additionally, the amount of sun you receive can impact the quality of your sleep. Those who don't get enough sunlight or have an unnatural sleep schedule may not sleep as soundly as those who keep a more natural routine.

To reap the benefits of sunlight, make it a habit to get moderate, daily amounts of sunshine. If you start to feel discomfort, such as sunburn, it may be a sign that you've had too much. If you're experiencing prolonged discomfort, seek professional advice. A proper nutritional plan can also help protect your body from the harmful effects of prolonged sun exposure.

#8 Minimise stress 

Taking care of your health involves making sleep and relaxation a top priority. One way to ensure a good night's sleep is to avoid eating close to bedtime, as a full stomach can disrupt sleep patterns. Another important aspect of managing stress is to focus on your breathing. When you're feeling stressed, take a moment to take a deep breath. It may seem simple, but it can have a powerful impact on your overall well-being.

It's also important to acknowledge and express your feelings, rather than repressing them. Maintaining emotional balance can be achieved by sharing your feelings with loved ones. Holding onto negative feelings can perpetuate harmful cycles of stress, so it's essential to let them out.

Taking care of your health includes making sleep and relaxation a priority, avoiding eating close to bedtime, breathing deeply when stressed, and expressing your feelings in a healthy way. By taking these steps, you can improve your overall well-being.

#9 Limited Worry & Stress.

In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to get caught up in the stresses and pressures of everyday life. However, it's important to remember to appreciate the gift of life and not let these negative factors consume us. Imagine living in a remote area surrounded by peace and tranquillity, where the air is fresh, the water pure, and the food wholesome and natural. This type of lifestyle, free from the constant stresses and emotional complications of modern life, would make it easier to want to live a long and fulfilling life.

Unfortunately, in our modern society, phrases like "I just can't take it anymore," "It's just too much for me," and "life is just too hard sometimes," are all too common. This is because modern life comes with its own set of unique stresses, such as traffic, job pressures, financial worries, safety concerns, and health issues.

To combat these negative effects, it's important to take steps to lower your exposure to environmental pollutants, household chemicals, pesticides, and toxic fragrances found in body care products. Also, try to avoid irradiated and genetically modified foods, as they can have a negative impact on your overall well-being.

It is crucial to appreciate every day the gift of life you have been given and to not let the stresses and fears of modern life consume you. Take steps to lower your exposure to environmental pollutants, household chemicals, pesticides, and toxic fragrances found in body care products, irradiated foods, and genetically modified (GMO) foods. By doing so, you can improve your overall well-being.

#10 - Greed and Envy

Greed and envy are prevalent in modern society, where individuals are often judged by their relative status. These negative forces can cause serious harm to one's physical and emotional well-being, regardless of whether one is a capitalist or socialist, or speaks one language or another.

Interestingly, greed and envy often work in the opposite way of what we might expect. Logic would dictate that a person with very little would have a stronger desire for more than a person who is relatively well off. Additionally, one would expect that we would only desire what others have if we believe it to be valuable or enjoyable. However, in practice, this is not always the case. The desire for more often becomes stronger the more one acquires, and people often end up desiring what their neighbour has, even if it had never meant anything to them before.

This distorted way of thinking is exemplified in the famous "Keeping up with the Joneses" philosophy. It's important to remember that desiring what belongs to another is not healthy, and it's important to be satisfied with what we have and not to compare ourselves with others.


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