Cellular Nutrition

Every single mineral in the body has an effect on every other mineral in the body.. No mineral works alone.
— Dr Paul C. Eck

As living organisms, we are made up of around 50-70 trillion cells that make up the human body at any given time (source). These cells are constantly being replaced. In addition, adult humans produce 2.4 million red blood cells every second (source). This means we generate over 250 million cells per minute and around 300 billion new cells each day.

Cellular health is essential for overall human health. Cells make up tissues and organs, which together form organ systems that make us an organism. At a fundamental level, we are made up of cells. Healthy cells lead to what we call "vitality" - a healthy level of energy and resistance to stress. These cells make up our bones, blood, brain, tissues, organs, glands, organ systems and ultimately the organism. Therefore, the health and nourishment of our cells is crucial for our health and well-being.

The energy that allows us to perform various activities in our lives is created at the cellular level. In fact, the health of our cells reflects the health of the human. Without cells, there would be no biological functioning. When our cells are unable to produce optimal energy for the body, it results in a decline in health and the emergence of degenerative conditions.

Cellular nutrition is a revolutionary scientific concept that explains the primary cause of disease. Disease starts at the cellular level. In this model, unhealthy cells lead to deficient metabolic activities, which in turn lead to unhealthy organs, resulting in the inability to perform physiological activities and symptoms we call disease.

The concept of cellular nutrition explains that the primary cause of today's most common chronic diseases, including various forms of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, arthritis, cancer, and others, is a chronic deficiency of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and other specific nutrients at the cellular level. This means that most diseases that afflict humankind are genotrophic in nature, and that when the cells of the human are adequately supplied with nutrients, the disease dissipates.

Cellular Nutrition defines an optimum daily intake of specific micronutrients as a basis for supporting and promoting optimal cellular physiology and structure. This includes microbes, or probiotic commensal cells, which make up more than half of our body's cells.

There are more than 70 micronutrients that are essential for cellular functions, including 40 minerals, 16 vitamins, and 21 essential amino acids. These essential nutrients have been chosen based on scientific criteria for the nourishment of the fundamental unit of the human organism - the cell.

When the cell is undernourished, we are undernourished, and when the cell is not in a state of health, we simply cannot be either. Currently, we test for between 20-32 of these minerals on a hair tissue mineral analysis (HTMA). This means that an HTMA can provide insight into our cellular nutrition in a way that no blood test can.


Masala Chai Tea


Boron (B)